Friday, March 20, 2009

Artist Highlight: Meet Gwen Zaberer

Meet the Artist: Gwen her own words,
"My artwork depicts the beauty of the female figure. It is a theme throughout my artwork celebrating its elegance through line, shape, and movement. I paint female icons throughout history focusing on their spirituality and their power. I am drawn to the stories of goddesses, muses and saints and recreate their stories in my artwork. I am a painter, printmaker and papermaker. My paintings are acrylic on canvas with imitation gold, silver or copper leaf. I decorate the surfaces with swirls and patterns to lead the viewer through the story of the painting. I also create collages of handmade paper and prints. I paint female figures within the collages, adding natural and found objects. I make my own paper from Western and Japanese fibers. My art encompasses the beauty of the paper itself. My most recent work comes from when I was young, I remember reading about women in history and being amazed by their strength and power. As l reread those stories, I am finding parallels between religious saints and mythological goddesses, which are portrayed, throughout my artwork."
Gwenn Zaberer was born in Philadelphia, PA and now resides in Arlington, VA. She holds a BFA in Printmaking and Art Education from the Tyler School of Art, Temple University in Philadelphia, PA and a Master’s in Teaching from George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. In January 2009, she received National Board Certification to teach art from elementary to middle childhood. She is an art teacher at Long Branch Elementary in Arlington County in Virginia. She has been teaching art to children from ages 4-18 for 14 years. She believes that art and creativity are essential to a child’s education. As an art teacher, she receives a sense of accomplishment bringing art into children’s lives. Zaberer has shown her artwork in Philadelphia, PA, Northern Virginia and Shepherdstown, WV.

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