Meet Prudence Bonds...In her own words:
"I depict people living throughout the African Diaspora, and beyond, by using color, texture, and introspection. Since acceptable images of human concepts such as love and beauty are perpetuated through art, literature, music, and the media, my pieces echo the attempt made by people of color to redefine and re-present those concepts in their terms."
Born in Florida and raised in Washington, DC since infancy, Prudence inherited the “creative gene”. Throughout childhood and adolescence, Prudence expressed several methods of creativity including sewing dolls’ clothes and writing poems and short stories to relate to her drawings. As a teenager, she attended the Corcoran School of Art for figure drawing and photography & film development. She began painting consistently in 2001 and in April 2003 participated in the Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center’s 10th Annual Scholarship Fund benefit auction. Prudence donated “Girl Tantalus”, an original work of acrylic on canvas portraying the fabled origins of the word tantalize.
I absolutely love your work.....First read about you in BOURGEON 50 ARTIST WRITE ABOUT THEIR WORK. Your art is awe inspiring.....